Andy & Diana’s Fairytale Wedding 10.15.11

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My cousin’s Lauren and Andy were my childhood best friends back when we all lived in NYC.  From ongoing barbie soap operas to investigating abandoned places to imaginary worlds (quite possibly involving Ninja Turtles and The Little Mermaid…or a toy Robot) and even cheese.  And who could forget the countless trips to Children’s Wear house where seemingly endless hours passed whilst our parents shopped away for our apparel. We may have all been far away from each other these past bunch’o years but as is with family, it’s like time doesn’t matter.

Point be made, back in June I had the privilege of shooting my cousin Lauren’s awesome wedding.  Only a short 4 months later, I was so happy to be able to be the photographer at her brother’s, my cousin Andy’s, wedding.  Both him and his now wife, Diana are great, happy, and unique super amazing people and just being around them you see how right they are for each other.  They even have a really sweet child-hoodsy-sweethearty-get-back-togethersy-later-in-life-kinda-story 🙂

Their wedding was beautiful with amazing details (esp incorporating pieces of themselves in them) and Diana made a beautiful bride! Truly a fairy tale wedding, including a big poofy dress & horse & carriage ride, and of course fairy-tale like story. I wanted to do a super awesome job for their wedding (as well as Lauren’s- & I hope I succeeded!) Without further adue, here are some (oh geez, I’m getting worse & worse at this picking out only a few for the blog thing) of the pics from their beautiful wedding.

Oh yes, and it was great to work with the team at United Wedding.  They were extremely nice and accommodating to my newbie methods  Although I think I’m doing pretty well for someone who just randomly decided to do this one day 😉

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